Hi my name is Ryan and I was born in Roswell, New Mexico. Yes, where the aliens were found. I then moved to Colorado. I spent a good portion of my life there before moving to Alaska to live with my dad, and ended up moving back to Colorado for a few years before moving to Wyoming, where I found myself working in the oil industry, which coincidentally has brought me here to Oklahoma.

The plant that I was working at shutdown production so I had a chance to interview with the Tulsa Refinery and got offered a job so, here I am. Through out my years I’ve done many different things from the food industry to the construction industry, as well as automotive maintenance and the coal bed methane field.

I’m a father of 4 kids, 2 boys and 2 girls. My oldest is going to be 24 this year and my youngest will be 10 this year. I love animals and have had different animals in the past, I currently have 2 dogs that keep me on my toes most of the time but their great. I’m very outgoing and enjoy talking to and getting to know people from all walks of life. I like to be involved in the community and try to give back when I can, even if it means stopping to help someone who’s stranded on the side of the road, or holding the door for someone, or helping an elderly person. I enjoy the outdoors and anything that is related to it such as camping, fishing, hiking, boating, off roading, and just being out and about. I like working on things asepecially when it comes to anything with a motor. I like going to the dunes whether it be in Glamis California or little Sahara Oklahoma. I also really like cleaning and improving things.

I’ve worked at my current job for over 10 yrs and have decided that the oil industry is great but I want to take a step away from the corporate world and venture out on my own. I’ve lived many different places and have been ok with that, but now that I’m here in Oklahoma, I really feel that this is home. I’ve felt very welcome and comfortable right from the start of moving here. I really enjoy the welcoming people, the environment and the culture here. It reminds me a lot of how I was brought up and what I would want to pass on to my kids.

I got into the pressure washing business because, as I said, I enjoy improving and cleaning things, brightening and restoring to like new. I’ve always been very particular and meticulous when it comes to taking care of things such as vehicles and properties so I feel like it was just meant for me to be in this profession. I pay attention to detail, I’m very punctual, and I am big on communication as well as being honest and transparent.

I’m always trying to learn and improve as I feel that I’m still fairly young and have a lot to experience and to give. I’m also not to stubborn to take advice and listen to people and am always open to suggestions.